• CC02
  • 圖片_20230720121049
  • 圖片_20230720121057

幸福青鳥 寶貝手鍊

Regular price
NT$ 383.00
Sale price
NT$ 383.00
Regular price
NT$ 383.00
Worldwide shipping | 林曉同 LinShiaoTung 官方線上珠寶店
Worldwide shipping
Secure payments | 林曉同 LinShiaoTung 官方線上珠寶店
Secure payments
Authentic products | 林曉同 LinShiaoTung 官方線上珠寶店
Authentic products
「幸福小青鳥」寶貝手鍊,創作源自品牌幸福符號-青鳥,希冀承載幸福的青鳥常伴於寶貝身邊,傳遞幸福即是生命中最簡單純粹的美好。 林曉同珠寶藝術家以「珍珠母貝」象徵每個小朋友都是父母呵護的心肝「寶貝」,刻畫出一隻隻的如意小熊和幸福小青鳥,串起溫潤圓滿的玉珠,傳承華人的祝福寓意,守護純真的美好,幸福平安伴隨每一位寶貝。




The Baby Collection "Little Bluebird of Happiness" is a new creation inspired by the brand's significant icon 'Bluebird'. The kids are little messengers of God passing through happiness. Therefore, Jewelry Artist Lin Shiao Tung takes the "Bluebird of Happiness" to be the permanent blessing that the little angel receives sixty seconds of happiness for every minute in life.


Mother of pearl, jade, tsavorite, and sterling silver